Enjoy this instalment of Radio Plays from TASN


January 29 – 31

Run Time: 12 minutes

Written by Jack Ruston
Directed by Adrian Witzke and Laura Sauriat

An estranged couple meet again – in a hospital room. One needs the truth, before it’s too late.

Adrian Witzke as Frank
Laura Sauriat as Christine


Run Time: 30 minute

Written by Eric Coble
Directed and Produced by Sanford Farrier

Who knew Joe Pesci was a made man in Greek mythology?

Actors: Sherry Bonder, Sanford Farrier, Mike Coppinger, Joe Dominguez, Allan Haley, Rebecca Kane, David Koret, Shannon Muhs and Steven Sacks



Run Time: 12 minutes

Script and sound design by Michael Kimball.
Directed by Bari Newport

First produced by Penobscot Theatre Company in October 2020.

There’s a legend in the dark hills of western Maine where a lumber town once prospered, until the 1930s Depression turned the settlement into a ghost town. These days the old railroad bed is used by cyclists and four-wheelers, skiers and snowmobilers, but the abandoned stone bridge that watches over them isn’t always abandoned. This is the legend of The Bridge Girl.

Read by Bari Newport



Run Time: 35 minutes

Written by Susan Glaspell
Direction and Audio Adaptation: Leslie Pasternack

Trifles was first performed in 1916 by the Provincetown Players and remains a near-perfect example of dramatic plotting and character development. Although Susan Glaspell’s work has been overshadowed by her colleague Eugene O’Neill, she was a prolific writer of fiction and essays as well as drama, and she received the 1930 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for her play, Alison’s House.

A play about men, women, murder and small things – that are not.

Pamela Battin-Sacks as Mrs. Hale
Carol Raiche as Mrs. Peters
Steven Sacks as Lewis Hale
James Grillo as Sheriff Henry Peters
Scott Sullivan as County Attorney George Henderson