Mealtime Musicals
From Mealtime Musicals (Allie Munro and Aaron Dart) – We started making mini musicals during the London lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. Filmed by Tom Munro, the videos have been created to keep spirits alive and spread positivity, whilst keeping us occupied at the same time! All props and costume are sourced from our little flat, from previous shows and events we’ve been in or just our normal wardrobe re-invented. Allie’s face paints have come in very handy and Tom has got very into set dressing. You can find all our mad Mealtime Musicals here: bit.ly/MealtimeMusica
Allie Munro ( @allie_mun ) and Aaron Dart ( @aarondart94 ) are both actors but are currently unemployed as the shows they were involved in from March to August have all been cancelled.
If you like any of these videos and would like to donate to Allie & Aaron, who created them, please follow this link: bit.ly/MealtimeMusica All money collected will allow us to keep creating new content, ensure we can carry on our careers during this unpredictable time and help us save for our upcoming wedding.
Selections from Mealtime Musicals
(Please keep visiting as we grow our list of selections.)
Click on the title you wish to select:
You Can’t Stop The Reheat
Feed the Bards
The Grease British Bake Off
Mezze! The Spoon Where It Happens
The Cookbook of Mormon
Pies and Rolls
Bon Abba-tit
Blood Broth-ers
Only Foods and Courses
Munching Kin
Mezze! The Fryin’ King
Mezze! Dough; A Beer; A Pint of Beer
Food Glorious Food!
Wickedly Tasty
Mezze! The Greatest Roast, Man!
Pie School Musical
The Jungle Recipe Book
Deep Pannie
Les Mezze-rables!
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